Brainscan Movie Review

Video games and horror.. it's almost like peanut butter and jelly.. THAT KILLS YOU. Or, that might make a better movie as I'm still searching for the "killer video game" horror flick that holds up today. Brainscan takes a stab (blog post) at the genre, with a heavy influence from the 90s fear of ultraviolent entertainment (blog post) leading dire

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Tango & Cash Movie Review

This particular review has been a major request ever since The Summer of Sylvester Stallone was announced. It would seem that is for good reason, as it pairs Stallone with Kurt Russel in a classic 80s police action movie. Is it deep, horror movie emotional and life changing? No.. but it just may be popcorn entertainment at it's finest.Source: Tan

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Work Life Balance

So I missed the review this week, and that ain't good. However, I'm taking the chance to reflect (blog post) on what led movie reviews here, and (blog post) figure out ...Source: Work Life Balance - Decker Shado More Videos

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Black Dawn Movie Review

Week seven of the Summer of Steven Seagal brings us to his 2005 offering, Black Dawn. In this basic action movie where Seagal must stop terrorists who of course have no problem securing a nuclear device, and rogue agents whom want them to have (blog post) the nuke for some strange reason... Seagal's presence is somewhat famous in this film (blog

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Is Jurassic World Dominion (2022) excellent?

Jurassic World's Dominion is by far the worst movie I've ever seen, even though I've seen plenty of bad films as a film critic. The third film in the Jurassic World trilogy and the sixth in the Jurassic Park series as a overall failed to live up to the hype surrounding it. It was obvious right from the beginning that this film would not impress.

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